nurse placing PICC

Collect patient data quickly and easily 24/7. Instantly receive individual reports which show your performance compared to national averages. Improve patient care through benchmark analysis.

PICC Registry - Physicians

Work in concert with your vascular access team! Review or print outcomes reports within seconds. Keep PICCs at the bedside by encouraging better clinical care and following evidenced based standards for line placement and care.

PICC Registry - Hospitals

Impact vascular patient care. Raise patient satisfaction scores. Reduce the length of stay. Reduce hospital acquired infections. Analyze FTEs allotment and create cost savings ideas and overall performance evaluations for your institution.

sample reports
who is using picc
the entire process

Contact Us
855-PICC-REG (742-2734)
Chicago, IL 60614


“You are only as good as your data.”
N. Costa, RN, Indiana University PICC Team.
