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1st attempt success rate chart surveys by day of the week infection rate chart patient assessment survey form

System or Corporate name of the group of hospitals (If single hospital then use the hospital name) or Business name (for Outsource companies)

Hospital / Institution (anywhere that CVAD is being placed)

Initial hospital; others may be added later


$ 0.0
$ 0.0
$ 0.0

Team Lead / Manager / Administrator / Charge Nurse for this System / Hospital

(Person responsible for managing team level data)
Required for 2-factor authorization
You will login with this email
REMEMBER ! It will be required for the next step. Minimum of 12 chars, 1 lower case, 1 upper case, 1 number

You will receive an email at the addresses specified above and you must
respond to the email for the process to continue.
click on the above code to generate a new one

Contact Us
855-PICC-REG (742-2734)
Chicago, IL 60614


“You are only as good as your data.”
N. Costa, RN, Indiana University PICC Team.
