What is CVAD Registry

CVAD Registry is the first and only global web-based data collection registry for the specialty of vascular access

Designed to deliver better health and patient safety, better health care and lower costs. Easy to use and implement to add instant value to a vascular access clinician. Brings clinicians together by creating national benchmarks and national comparisons.

Secure, web-based, encrypted – can access from anywhere, anytime

Vascular Access needs benchmarks and evidenced-based data to progress

To patients, clinicians, payors, manufacturers – the entire healthcare continuum

Confirms what we know, assesses and guides our practice, saves time and money

Helps clinicians succeed with their personal and professional goals

Better patient outcomes, higher patient satisfaction, better clinicians, lower costs

The Future
Increases practice potential for IJ placement, Arterial lines, etc. It will drive care forward.

hospital emergency entrance

“Our entire clinical staff has found working with the registry quite insightful. The administration is also now making better decisions about vascular patient care and how to use the registry to move quality initiatives forward.”
- Anonymous

Contact Us

855-PICC-REG (742-2734)
Chicago, IL 60614


“You are only as good as your data.”
N. Costa, RN, Indiana University PICC Team.
